The lives of the early Adventist pioneers were filled with hardships, sorrows, and joys as they gladly followed God’s leading, doing their best to spread the news of Jesus’ soon coming to take His children to their heavenly home.
These are their stories.
You’ll meet Anna Knight who traveled 382 miles to be baptized, N. D. Faulkhead who was intimately associated with the Masons and other secret societies until he had a dream and an encounter with S. N. and Hetty Haskell. You’ll hear stories of Ellen White after her husband James’ death, Stephen Smith who hid a letter in a trunk for 28 years that could have saved him a life of anger and hate.
The stories of these pioneers and more are told in a way that will broaden our understanding of their reality. Their lives, in full disclosure will prove their strengths and weaknesses and faith in God as they carried out their duties to Him.